The Blog

Happy Anniversary to US!

Today, my husband and I are celebrating our 4 year anniversary!

It has been 4 years since we gathered all of our friends and family in Virginia beach, walked down the aisle, said our “I do’s” and then celebrated by dancing the night away. FOUR YEARS?! I know to some, that doesn’t sound like a long time and to others, it sounds like a lifetime already. But to me, our time together as husband and wife has flown by and I just think about all of the amazing things we’ve accomplished together in those 4 short years.

My husband and I have been together for 10ish years. The exact date is debatable since we met in college, then his work took him out of state and then we proceeded to do the long distance thing for a while. We also like to argue about who said “I love you” first. (P.S. It was totally him. )

Loooooook at us, we are babies!!

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Through the thick and thin, the good, bad, and ugly, this guy will always be my rock and the love of my life.

In 4 years..

We’ve Grown. Our lives have changed for the better, we’ve matured and we’ve learned how to (almost) adult together.

We’ve been apart. Unfortunately, his job requires him to be away from our family quite often. However, distance does make the heart grow fonder and being separated sometimes makes you realize how much you really love and need one another.

We’ve created life. One year after we were married, we welcomed our baby boy into the world. His due date was almost on our one year anniversary!

Holy moly parenting is HARD. Don’t let anyone tell you that it is not. We’ve gone through ups and downs, laughs and tears, sicknesses and triumphs. But, I can honestly say, that having our son has brought out the best in both of us and has made our marriage stronger .

sami roy photography, anniversary blog post, 4 year anniversary

We purchased two homes. Holy adulting batman! When did we become adults? We are adulting so hard these days. Not only do we own one home, but now we own two and are now landlords!

I’m more proud of him every day. He is a hard worker and proud of what he does. Sometimes that comes at a price, but I know it will benefit us and his career in the long run. I’m extremely proud of him and I think I need to remind myself to tell him more often.

He is still proud of me. He tells me all the time how proud he is of me juggling the mom thing, two businesses and all of the other things in between. He’s constantly telling me about how he brags about me at work, and that makes me feel super duper special.

sami roy photography, anniversary blog post, 4 year anniversary

What have I learned in 4 years of marriage?

Patience… patience, patience….. Did I say patience? LOL. Love each other unconditionally, even when its hard. Give each other credit when credit is due. Allow one another to be who they are and run with their passions. Set time aside each month for each other.. schedule a date night, breakfast (we LOVE breakfast dates) or even a small getaway for just the two of you. We’re terrible at the last one, but we talk about it all the time! And last but not least, do all of the the little things in between to let them know you’re always there for them and they are your person.

My favorite moments now are spent doing activities together with Grant, cooking, playing outside, even cleaning! I can’t even picture our lives without him in it. Being parents is now such an important part of our marriage. I love watching him enjoy being a dad and I’m so proud to have him by my side on this crazy ride.

Here’s to a lifetime full of anniversaries!

Learn more about me and my little family

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