Whether you are having a teeny tiny wedding or huge wedding- a lot of the same stuff will happen and it is important to have an organized wedding timeline. You get ready, you put on your dress, you say your i do’s and you celebrate! The entire time you are being followed by a photographer who will be directing you along the way to get some amazing wedding photos.
Most people know how a typical wedding day goes down, but sometimes those little details in between get lost or aren’t allotted the correct amount of time. That is why I’m sharing this with you today!
Below is a regular, traditional wedding day schedule and timeline. It may be a little more detailed on what the photographer needs to know, but all in all pretty helpful for everyone involved!
During your planning, start with this timeline and make it your own. Do what your heart desires because every wedding is different and every couple has different needs. Twist it around, turn it inside out, get creative– It is YOUR WEDDING, RIGHT?? 🙂
Lets just make a deal first, don’t touch the timing for the photography.. that timing is important 😉
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