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Favorite Things // A Non-Toxic Home For My Family
When I found out I was pregnant, it was a real turning point for me when it came to what I used on my body and in my home. I made it a personal goal to make a non-toxic home for my family. I started reading labels more closely, Googling side effects of certain types of common household products, and researching the ingredients in everything. For the first time in my life, I took the time to read labels. I threw away toxic cleaners and searched for non-toxic, healthy and environmentally friendly avenues to keep both my house and body clean.
For this week’s Favorite Things, I wanted to share a few ways that I started to turn my home into a toxin-free environment for my family:
No more candles!
I know what you’re thinking. “How do you make your home smell nice and cover up the baby poop and pet smell?” My secret: Essential oils – I have 4 diffusers in my house! My favorites are gentle baby and purification. I have a favorite scent for each part of the house! I like to purchase my own essential oils from Young Living and Thrive Market, but they are sold at many places these days. Just a word of advice – do your research! There are many uses for oils besides diffusing, such as topical uses or even dietary uses, but be sure the ones you have purchased are safe for skin and ingesting.
Break up with Snuggles
Goodbye, (toxic) dryer sheets! No judgment if you still use them, but I’ve found I much prefer the dryer wool balls (like these!). A few drops of lemongrass or purification (a must if you have pets or kiddos) on these wool dryer balls and your clothes come out of the dryer smelling so fresh and lemony! Not only do they do a good job of de-wrinkling your clothes, sheets, etc. in the dryer, but they cut down on your electric bill because they dry your clothes faster!
Bye, bye, Herbal Essence.
This was a big one for me – especially because there are so many soaps and shampoos to choose from (it can be a little overwhelming). We’ve switched all of our shower soaps and shampoos and now use non-toxic Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap for ev-er-y-thing. You literally can make anything with this soap. Shampoo, dish soap, laundry detergent, household cleaner… I even clean the dogs with the Lavender scented soap! The “pet smell” has magically vanished as soon as I started using this soap on them. I love how gentle and natural it is – and a little goes a long way so I can justify the extra price for the bottle.
FYI, for those of you that may have trouble convincing your significant other or family member to change their soaps… have them try the Peppermint. My husband fussed about the change and now he is quite upset if and when we run out!
Himalayan Salt Lamps
I’ve got four of these glowing lamps in my house now. I can’t tell you how or why it works — but I’ve noticed a difference! The idea behind these lamps is derived from the age old idea of Halotherapy (here’s a wiki-link to learn more about halotherapy).
We compost!
Two words I never thought I would say. I love composting! We have read made fertilizer for whatever plants we put around the house and we are reducing our carbon footprint. Between recycling and composting, we barely fill up our trash can each month. It’s such a wonderful feeling.