My Son, the mess maker, the string cheese eater, the rockstar.
I made a promise to myself that I would photograph my family more in 2019. In order to stick to my guns and to be a little bit more creative with my resolution, I’ve decided to do a Black & White series of my rockstar son, Grant. This series will be photos of him doing what he does and capturing his perfect little soul and personality so I can cherish them for years to come and of course, share his awesomeness with you.
The first set in this series is him playing my husbands drums.
Let me tell you a little story about this drum set. My husband has been storing his drums at his parents house since he left home almost 14 years ago. His parents have been trying to get us to take them back for about 10 years. We’ve always moved so much and lived in tiny apartments, we really couldn’t take them. Also, I wasn’t to keen on loud bangy things being under my roof! I thought having drums, a toddler, and a grown man-child in my house was a loud combination of things I wasn’t ready for.
They are loud, they take up a lot of space and mama needs her peace and quiet, right? Turns out, I love them and they offer me more peace than anything on some days. The boys will go up and play together and although it’s a bit more loud in the house, I’m able to listen to their jam session, go about my day, all the while knowing they are bonding and having a great time together. I love having two rockstars in my family!
This rockstar has the music in him!
We are music fans through and through. We’re both stuck in the 80’s-90’s grunge rock scene and we are ok with that. He already sings along to some Foo Fighters songs (Dave Grohl would be proud!) and knows when to say “whooo hooo” when Blurs “Song 2” comes on the radio. C’mon now!
I’m a lover of music, but I am not musically inclined. I cannot sing or play any instrument. I tried to play the flute when I was younger, but I didn’t last too long with that hobby. All of the music talent that my little rockstar has comes from my husband and his family. He plays the drums and the guitar. Hopefully Grant will continue learning from him and his love of music will grow and flourish.
This first set of photos in this series is going to be tough to beat, but I wanted to set the bar high. Check out my little rockstar!
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